Intense 5-Minute Bodyweight Calf Workout
What’s going on Aliens!? If you are trying to build or maintain calf muscle, we have the perfect workout for you today. It will take only five minutes and you won’t need any sort of equipment.
That being said, whether you do just one round as a finisher or multiple for a killer calf workout, it will be intense and you will feel the burn tomorrow!
TOTAL LENGTH: 5 minutes
EQUIPMENT NEEDED: A stairway (optional!)
Skill level
BEGINNER = Complete this workout three times. Rest after each workout for 3 minutes, then repeat.
INTERMEDIATE = Complete this workout four times. Rest after each workout for 2 minutes, then repeat.
ADVANCED = Complete this workout four times. Rest after each workout for 1 minute, then repeat.
To begin, find a comfortable spot in an open space. Perform each of the following exercises for sixty seconds and transition to the next exercise without a rest. If you do need a break, take one!
Each time you do this circuit, try to do more reps and/or take fewer breaks.
1. Speed Calf Raises
a) Assume a sturdy standing position with your feet close together and your toes pointing straight ahead.
a) Contract your calves to raise up and down as fast as you can.
b) Repeat!

2. Outer Calf Raises
a) Assume a sturdy standing position with your toes flared outward.
a) Contract your calves to raise up.
b) Flex your calves hard at the top and return to the starting position.
c) Repeat!

3. Inner Calf Raises
a) Assume a sturdy standing position with your toes flared inward.
a) Contract your calves to raise up.
b) Flex your calves hard at the top and return to the starting position.
c) Repeat!

4. Heel-Ups
a) Assume a sturdy standing position with your toes pointed straight ahead.
a) Raise your toes upwards with your heels planted on the ground.
b) Rock back to the starting position and repeat!

5. Calf Squats
a) Assume a sturdy standing position with your toes pointed straight ahead.
a) Hinge at the waist to squat downwards.
b) Transition weight onto your toes at the bottom of the squat and drive upwards through your calves (don’t be afraid to hold onto a wall or a railing for stability!).
c) Repeat!

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