Intense 10-Minute At Home Upper Body Workout
What's going on Aliens! Today, we are going to take on an intense upper body workout right from home together.
This 10-minute at home workout is designed to build serious size and strength in your upper body.
This routine can be performed as an intense finisher or you can complete multiple sets for a full advanced upper body workout!
TOTAL LENGTH: 10 minutes
Skill Level
BEGINNER = Complete this workout three times. Rest after each workout for three minutes, then repeat.
INTERMEDIATE = Complete this workout four times. Rest after each workout for two minutes, then repeat.
ADVANCED = Complete this workout four times. Rest after each workout for one minute, then repeat.
Perform each of the following exercises for forty-five seconds and transition to the next exercise after a fifteen second rest. If you do need a longer break, take one!
Each time you do this circuit, try to do more reps and/or take fewer breaks.
1. Close to Wide Pushups
a) Set up in a close pushup position with your hands underneath your shoulders.
b) Make sure your back is flat and brace your core.
a) Slowly lower your chest to the floor.
b) Then, contract your chest to push upto the starting position.
c) Next, place your hands wider than shoulder width apart and repeat the pushup motion.
d) Keep alternating between close and wide pushups!

2. Reverse Snow Angels
a) Lie on your stomach with your hands above your head and your palms facing down.
a) Pick your shoulders up to lift your arms up and then down to the side of your body with your palms now facing up.
b) Then, lift your shoulders up again and bring your arms back to the starting position following the same rotation of hand positioning.
c) Keep squeezing your lats hard and repeat!

3. Plank Ups
a) Assume a plank position with your forearms on the ground and your legs straight out behind you. Your forearms should make a 90 degree angle with your upper arms.
b) Engage your core and make sure your back is completely straight.
a) Pinch your shoulder blades together as you lower downwards until you nearly touch the ground.
b) Contract your rear delts to explode back up to the starting position.
c) Maintain tightness in your delts and repeat!

4. Lying Bicep Leg Curls
a) Lie on your back with your feet together and your knees in a bent elevated position.
a) Using your legs as resistance, grab the backs of your thighs with your arms fully extended and squeeze your biceps to bring your knees towards your head.
b) Slowly return to the starting position and repeat!

5. Side to Side Pushups
a) Set up in a wide pushup position with your hands wider than shoulder width apart.
a) Slowly lower your body to one side and allow your other arm to straighten.
b) Then, press upwards and repeat this motion on the other side.
c) Keep alternating sides!

6. Skull Crushers
a) Set up in a plank position with your elbows slightly more forward than standard and your back straight.
b) Engage your core and retract your shoulder blades. Your head should be directly above your hands.
a) Contract your triceps to push your body off the ground and slightly back.
b) Squeeze your triceps hard at the top of the rep and slowly return to the starting position.
c) Repeat!

7. Pulse Rows
a) Lie on your stomach with your hands by your sides and your palms facing up.
a) Retract your shoulder blades and squeeze your lats to lift your shoulders off the ground,bringing your arms up and back.
b) Hold in this position for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position.
c) Repeat!

8. Wrist Curls
a) Assume a comfortable stance in a standing position.
b) Position your arms by your sides with your palms facing each other.
c) Clench your hands into fists.
a) Contract your forearms to flex your wrists inwards.
b) Squeeze your forearms at the top and return to the starting position.
c) Keep your hands clenched into fists and repeat!

9. Angled Downward Shoulder Pushups
a) Place your hands on the ground with your fingers facing each other and your elbows out wide.
b) Lift your buttocks upwards and bring your feet behind you.
a) Slowly lower your head to your hands.
b) Squeeze your deltoids to push upwards.
c) Keep your abs tight and repeat!

10. Superman Hold
a) Lie on your stomach with your arms in front of you and your palms facing the ground.
a) Raise your hands and legs off the ground as high as you can.
b) Hold in this position for as long as you can and then return to the starting position.
c) Repeat!

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