Intense 5-Minute at Home Lower Ab Workout
What’s going on Aliens! Today, we are going to take on an intense lower abs workout right from home together. But first, let’s briefly cover some anatomy: the rectus abdominis is the scientific term for the muscle that makes up our “six pack” abs.
Although the rectus abdominis is one muscle, certain exercises can more optimally contract specific areas of our abs separating them into upper, middle, and lower sections.
With this intense 5-minute home ab workout, we are aiming to specifically target the lower section of our abs. This routine can be performed as an intense ab finisher or complete multiple sets for a full lower abs workout!
TOTAL LENGTH: 5 minutes
Skill Level
BEGINNER = Complete this workout three times. Rest after each workout for 3 minutes, then repeat.
INTERMEDIATE = Complete this workout four times. Rest after each workout for 2 minutes, then repeat.
ADVANCED = Complete this workout four times. Rest after each workout for 1 minute, then repeat.
Perform each of the following exercises for sixty seconds and transition to the next exercise without a rest. If you do need a break, take one!
Each time you do this circuit, try to do more reps and/or take fewer breaks.
1. Reverse Crunches
a) Sit on the ground with your legs extended out in front of you.
b) Place your hands on the ground beside you for support and lean back at a roughly 45 degree angle with your back straight.
c) Pull your belly button in towards your spine and raise your legs off the ground.
a) Contract your lower abs as you bend your knees and bring your legs towards your chest.
b) Squeeze your abs hard and slowly return to the starting position.
c) Repeat!

2. Hip Overs
a) Lie on your back with your hands by your sides and your knees in a bent elevated position.
a) Contract your abs to raise your hips off the ground driving your knees back toward your head.
b) As soon as your hips come off the ground, bring your hips back down to the floor and repeat!

3. Hip Thrusts
a) Lie on your back with your hands on the ground by your sides.
b) Lift your legs straight up in the air.
a) Contract your lower abs to bring your hips off the ground and thrust your lower body straight upwards.
b) Return to the starting position while making sure to keep your hips off the ground and legs straight up.
c) Repeat!

4. Leg Raises
a) Lie on your back with your arms by your sides and push your lower back into the ground.
b) Extend your legs out in front of you.
a) Keeping your legs straight and together, lift your legs upwards until your hips slightly come off the ground.
b) Slowly return to the starting position and repeat!

5. Flutter Kicks
a) Lie on your back with your arms by your sides.
b) Raise your feet roughly six inches off the ground.
a) Keeping your legs straight, kick your feet back and forth roughly six inches above the ground.
b) Keep alternating feet and be sure to keep your abs engaged the entire time.

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