Intense 5-minute Barbell Back Workout | How To Build A Bigger Back!


Intense 5 Minute Back Workout — Barbell Only!

What’s up Aliens! It’s Workout Wednesday and that means we are going to crush another workout together during the busy stretch of the week. Today we are going to tackle an intense 5-minute back workout — barbell only!

TOTAL LENGTH: 5 minutes



Skill Level

BEGINNER = Complete this workout three times. Rest after each workout for 3 minutes, then repeat.

INTERMEDIATE = Complete this workout four times. Rest after each workout for 2 minutes, then repeat.

ADVANCED = Complete this workout four times. Rest after each workout for 1 minute, then repeat.


To begin, find a comfortable spot in an open space. Perform each of the following exercises for sixty seconds and transition to the next exercise without a rest. If you do need a break, take one!

Each time you do this circuit, try to do more reps and/or take fewer breaks.

1. Landmine Upright Row


a) Secure the barbell in a landmine attachment, a corner, or however you can stabilize the end of one side of the bar on the ground in front of you.

b) Grab the top of the barbell with both hands directly under the barbell.


a) Contract your upper back and trap muscles to row the barbell upwards. Keep your elbows back to avoid using your biceps during this exercise!

b) Squeeze your back at the top and return to the starting position.

c) Repeat!  

2. 1-Arm Landmine Row


a) Keep the barbell secured in a landmine position.

b) Bend over with your back nearly parallel to the floor and grab the barbell to the side with one arm.


a) Bring your elbow back and squeeze your lat to row upwards.

b) Return to the starting position and switch to the other arm after thirty seconds!

3. Front Shrug


a) Assume a sturdy standing position.

b) Grab the barbell with your hands shoulder width apart and your palms facing towards you.


a) Contract your traps to shrug the barbell upwards.

b) Squeeze your traps hard at the top and return to the starting position.

c) Repeat!

4. Underhand Row


a) Assume a sturdy standing position.

b) Grab the barbell with an underhand grip with your hands just outside your knees.

c) Keeping your abs and back tight, hinge your hips backwards until your back is nearly parallel to the floor. Extend your arms straight down and keep your gaze focused a few feet in front of you.


a) Keeping your elbows tucked, drive your elbows up and back to bring the barbell up towards your belly button.

b) Squeeze your lats at the top, pause for a moment, and slowly return to the starting position.

c) Maintain tightness in your core and back and repeat!

5. Good Morning


A) Assume a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart.

b) Place the barbell on your back as if you were doing a traditional squat.


a) Tighten your core and hinge at the waist until your back is nearly parallel to the ground. You should feel the tension in your lower back.

b) Pause briefly and slowly return to the starting position.

c) Repeat!


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.mike kenlerWorkouts