Intense 5 Minute Dumbbell Shoulder Workout
Calling all Aliens! Today we are going to take on an intense shoulder workout using dumbbells only!
This 5-minute at home dumbbell only workout is designed to build serious size and strength in your deltoids.
This routine can be performed as an intense finisher or you can complete multiple sets for a full shoulder workout!
TOTAL LENGTH: 5 minutes
EQUIPMENT NEEDED: A pair of dumbbells
Skill Level
BEGINNER = Complete this workout three times. Rest after each workout for 3 minutes, then repeat.
INTERMEDIATE = Complete this workout four times. Rest after each workout for 2 minutes, then repeat.
ADVANCED = Complete this workout four times. Rest after each workout for 1 minute, then repeat.
Perform each of the following exercises for sixty seconds and transition to the next exercise without a rest. Take a rest if you need it and get right back at it. Each time you do this circuit, aim for more reps, heavier weight, and/or less breaks!
1. Rear Delt Fly
a) Assume a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart.
b) Hinge at the waist until your back is nearly parallel to the floor.
a) With your arms slightly bent, contract your rear deltoids to bring the weight up and out to your sides. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the rep.
b) Slowly bring your arms back down to the starting position.
c) Maintain tightness in your core and repeat!

2. Side Lateral Raise
a) Assume a comfortable stance in a standing position with your back straight.
b) Grab the pair of dumbbells with your palms facing inward.
a) Contract your lateral deltoids to raise your arms out to the side until the dumbbells reach shoulder height.
b) Slowly bring the weights down towards your side and repeat!

3. Front Raise
a) Assume a comfortable stance in a standing position with your back straight.
b) Grab the dumbbells with your palms facing towards you.
a) Contract your front deltoids to raise the dumbbells in front of you stopping just above forehead level.
b) Slowly bring the weights down to the starting position and repeat!
4. Upright Row
a) Assume a comfortable stance in a standing position with your back straight.
b) Grab the dumbbells with your palms facing towards you.
a) Keeping your elbow high, pull the dumbbells up to your chest and allow your elbows to flare out.
b) Pause at the top and slowly return to the starting position.
c) Repeat!

5. Arnold Press
a) Assume a comfortable stance in a standing position.
b) Grab the dumbbells with your arms bent and your palms facing inward, as if you were at the top of the dumbbell curl.
a) Press your arms upwards while twisting your hands so that your palms face outwards.
b) Squeeze your delts at the top of the rep and slowly return to the starting position.
c) Repeat!

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